MOPOP Website

Web design and development for the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, WA

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Project duration: November 2023–September 2024

Role: User experience design + web development

As Digital Experience Specialist at the Museum of Pop Culture, I identified a host of usability issues on the old website, which led to a website revamp project. Our team created a new website within ten months, incorporating an entirely new brand and a greatly improved user experience.

Phase I: Home Page Redesign

The old website was difficult to navigate, with highly nested dropdown menus and lack of mobile responsiveness. It also lacked a consistent design system across different pages, resulting in a confusing user experience.

The original home page design was an endless scroll of advertisements for different programs in the museum. I conducted a competitor analysis and found that other museums used more exhibition photography and had much negative space, allowing the eye to breathe.

Phase I: Redesigned MOPOP website home page
After gaining these insights, I redesigned the home page of the website, providing a focus on the primary user goal of the website, which is buying museum tickets. I also used a grid layout to provide more content for users to engage with. I also redesigned the mobile calendar layout.

MOPOP saw a significant increase in website purchase conversion rates after making these changes.

Phase II: Full Website Redesign

We didn't stop there. MOPOP embarked on a rebranding journey, which went hand in hand with a complete website revamp in which I was a core team member.

During the transition phase, I provided guidance on UX research questions to support the ideation process.  I also provided input on the navigation information architecture and general design and layout.  I created wireframes to help the rest of the team know what these new pages would look like.

On the technical side, I used Excel to transfer our blog content, utilizing web scraping tools to maximize efficiency. I quickly learned how to use Webflow to manage our many exhibitions, programs, and events. And I handled the transition of our e-commerce platform, Tessitura, to the new branding and style guidelines.

Post-launch, I handled the majority of the bug fixes, addressing issues from every department. I handled breakpoint issues for smaller laptop screens, ensuring usability for all users. I also implemented a tracking method to help us determine what pages purchases are coming from. And I launched the new MOPOP logo on the site, creating custom code for an animated version that plays upon site load.

Final MOPOP website home page

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